Dance Ministry
This ministry is to worship and grow closer to the God through the movement of the body and spirit-led dancing to celebrate God's glory for His surpassing greatness.

Social Justice Ministry
Rooted in the gospel of Jesus Christ, we are committed to the pursuit of justice for the poor and the liberation of the oppressed by organizing ordinary people to build power to transform lives and improve the quality of life in communities.
October 7, 2015
Parkway extended the call to Rev. Dr. Le’ Roi L. Gill, our fifth and present pastor
Pastoral History
The founding pastor was Rev. J. Kenneth Mart, from April 1959 to February 1969, followed by Rev. Clifford Davis from July 1969 to July 1972; Rev. J. Randolph Elliott from November 1972 to March 1980; Rev. Joseph Yundt from April 1981 to March 2015
November 19, 1961
The dedication of the new edifice
October 15, 1961
The first worship service was held
August 27, 1961
The cornerstone was laid
September 18, 1960
The groundbreaking occurred for the present location
October 11, 1959
Parkway Baptist Chapel (later named Parkway Baptist Church) was dedicated in a residence at 1 Brooklawn Drive Levittown (now Willingboro), New Jersey